Friday, March 5, 2010

Sheena's suprise party (:

Its a perfect 6th of March 2010. A great windy morning.. birds chirping outside my house. Woke up at 7.50a.m. 10 minutes to get ready to go to school for cheer. I had to go there early to make a suprise party for Sheena (: So, Went out 8 sharp, drop my brother off at the LRT station. Then off to school. Reached there around 8.22 a.m. I asked my mum to drop me at the canteen but no one was there ): then asked my mum to just drop me at the porch cause' I wanted to walk to the courtyard. And she said...
No, dont go first.
Later the guard touch your butt.
Oh, erm. Ok. Becareful ok?
Yea. Bye ma (:
So, I walked to the courtyard and nobody was there -.- So I walked to the canteen, and they are there! They just popped out from no where -.- So, Rachel Lu was suppose to come earlier cause's she was suppose to bring balloon ( we plan to play water balloon) but her driver was late. So, she came like 8.50 a.m. So we quickly filled water in the balloon in the toilet (: There were like 104 balloons, and some burst while we filled water. So yea. Brought the balloon to the canteen by putting it on our shirt.
Later on, each of us took 2 balloon each when Sheena comes.
And she came... and we threw at her. (: And we made the canteen all wet, BUT! We mop them up (: Cut the cake. Its was chocolate. Sarah is allergic to chocolate, and she still ate it! So after mopping, we showered at the swimming pool's toilet (: kids were looking at us weirdly. So yea, we did cheer.. more like a fun cheer (: chit chat. Then later had lunch in McD. I ate Big and Tasty. It doesnt look BIG to me, but its tasty (: So, Sueanne gave us a lift back to school. Thank you ( if you are seeing this) :D
And yea, chit chat again till mum is here. (: and yeaa. (: IT WAS A GREAT DAY TODAY! :D

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