2nd Monthly test finished on Wednesday. (: My marks will be like shit D:
I forgot to update. and I forgot what happened.
Yesterday, had normal lessons. PE was not that great. It was fitness test. Ran for bloody 8 rounds in 11 mins 16 secs. After running, I went to the court yard. Pour water on my head. and I slept. Not really slept just resting. and this is what happen.
Bianca Me
Oh my god! ROSALYN! YenYee KO
* opening my eyes slowly *
*softly* no. I am not.
Later on. Went out with Amanda. Went to subway to buy her SUBWAY MELT. Then went AC. I ate my pizza. And I was full for 6 hours. After eating. Went for a walk. Amanda went in the Magazine shop to buy a Magazine. Seventeen. I think.. Then went to Starbucks. Bought Chocolate Cream Chip for herself. Then sat down and talk Grandmaa stories. Then we talked for around 30 minutes I guess. Then, uncle called said he was here. Walked back slowly (: Went to pick up Zen.
Went home. Watch tee vee. I watch.. Street Fighter; The Legend Of Chun Li , Transformer 2 , Night at the Musuem 2. It was nice. Transformer was great (: Sam died and then he was back alive. LOL. I like the twins. and the popsicle truck. They are so cute. OH! And a silver sport car. DAMN! The car is HOT. It looks something like Nissan Fairlady but is slightly different. But damn YENG! Dad came home.. bought us makan steak (: So yea..
Mum's Birthday was Thursday but she went Genting.. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MUM!
[ P.S. Yenniesux? Do whatever you want. so.. U LIKE THE SUM1? I DUN CARE. GO AHEAD AND LIKE! Damn you are annoying. LOL. Lifeless dog meh! U got mental then go Tanjung Rambutan la! Wait. Maybe they dont want you anyway. And you are a girl. I think.. Hmm. I wanna find out who the hell are you. OH! Maybe you are not scolding me. Cos I aint YENNIE. ]
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
exams. D:
I wanted to blog yesterday. But I was making a card. for 1hr + :P
Yesterday was fun. hmmm. Yesterday?
Science, copy notes. Chinese, eat in class (: . Geography, dreaming. Maths, talking in class, begging Bianca to get my MU shirt to sign but cannot get ): only pictures are allowed. How sad. I cant even watch because of EXAMS ): PE, run like crap -.-
Danielle gave Suminn a cupcake and we shared (: After that, suppose to go out with Amy, but she went out with Denise. So I was damn lonely. Then I spotted my lovely dino ( Danielle) and Sheena. So I went to Subway and makan with damn. BOY! Sheena eats damn fast. or maybe I am just slow D:
[ I typed and it didnt save just now -.- wth. and my internet aint working -.- I need to rewrite everything./
I was full. Danielle said omg la. Just few more bites. I was like FULL! Then she said OKAY! eat the meat. That is the expensive part. blah blah blah... Danielle said u ate 6 inch. I said NO! I ate 5 1/2 inch. HAHAH! [ I was colourful just now but I got no mood I lazy. Damn u blog!/
blah blah blah.
Today was school day ): sumore exams D:
Moral? I didnt finish ): BM was ok. (:
So after school, I gave him the card... then I took the van home. was looking at the road dreaming all the time. Then went home, aunt cooked teow chow porridge. Then I watch tee-vee till 5 something. went online. went out for dinner.
On the way to Sri Petaling for dinner, MU fans were everywhere. They park damn far away from the stadium. How sad. So yea. Everyone was wearing a MU shirt. LOL! GO MAN UTD (:
haha. Ok, went home. and here I am now (: VeiLin sent me 2 songs [ Fuck You & Just Disturbia] Man! Just Disturbia is confusing.. I like the song Fuck You (: is nice ..
[HueyChing! How is my MU shirt? HAND WASH! HAND WASH! NO WASHING MACHINE./

I wanted to blog yesterday. But I was making a card. for 1hr + :P
Yesterday was fun. hmmm. Yesterday?
Science, copy notes. Chinese, eat in class (: . Geography, dreaming. Maths, talking in class, begging Bianca to get my MU shirt to sign but cannot get ): only pictures are allowed. How sad. I cant even watch because of EXAMS ): PE, run like crap -.-
Danielle gave Suminn a cupcake and we shared (: After that, suppose to go out with Amy, but she went out with Denise. So I was damn lonely. Then I spotted my lovely dino ( Danielle) and Sheena. So I went to Subway and makan with damn. BOY! Sheena eats damn fast. or maybe I am just slow D:
[ I typed and it didnt save just now -.- wth. and my internet aint working -.- I need to rewrite everything./
I was full. Danielle said omg la. Just few more bites. I was like FULL! Then she said OKAY! eat the meat. That is the expensive part. blah blah blah... Danielle said u ate 6 inch. I said NO! I ate 5 1/2 inch. HAHAH! [ I was colourful just now but I got no mood I lazy. Damn u blog!/
blah blah blah.
Today was school day ): sumore exams D:
Moral? I didnt finish ): BM was ok. (:
So after school, I gave him the card... then I took the van home. was looking at the road dreaming all the time. Then went home, aunt cooked teow chow porridge. Then I watch tee-vee till 5 something. went online. went out for dinner.
On the way to Sri Petaling for dinner, MU fans were everywhere. They park damn far away from the stadium. How sad. So yea. Everyone was wearing a MU shirt. LOL! GO MAN UTD (:
haha. Ok, went home. and here I am now (: VeiLin sent me 2 songs [ Fuck You & Just Disturbia] Man! Just Disturbia is confusing.. I like the song Fuck You (: is nice ..
[HueyChing! How is my MU shirt? HAND WASH! HAND WASH! NO WASHING MACHINE./
and Julabies ; him
yennie. <3
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
butter.cream cupcake :D
What happen yesterday I really forgot. Suminnn bought me Marshmallows. Just remember of tuition.
OK. Science tuition. It was Mr. Lee [ tuition teacher] birthday. Andrea made a card and call us to sign it. She bake a cake too. And we ate it :D It wasnt that bad. Is quite nice after all. So he said, since you guys gave me this, I will give you less homework [ cool man. ]
Today? Hmmm. Had English, did essays and have something like PSP. Title : TOMORROW.
My tomorrow, my idea I gave to Bianca so I think again. My tomorrow is TOO HAVE A BIGGER SHOPPING MALL :DD
Then, break. Porridge for breakfast :P Danielle told me there was cupcakes. So we went and bought it for like 3 bucks. O.O but is damn good. I really love cupcakes and marshmallow. (:
Then bm, quiz for 1 hr and 30 mins O.O then seni teacher was absent so I did my kh homework then I drew an anime on ChiKay's book. Then Lunch, we played french fries fight. Then play the straw thing again. Suminn was mad at me for not going to the courtyard with her O.O
So then, was seni. Mr.Phuah came in. He is a Biology teacher. and he was talking about puppy love. homosexual all this.
So, KH we did revision. and I was dreaming the whole time :P then we didnt have COCO but I did. So went Gymnastics. I went * SPLAT* on the mattress while jumping on the spring thing then going over and I forgot to open my leg. I was out of balance. So my whole body when towards the matress. So it went SPLAT.
So I think that's all. I feel like sleeping now.
[P.S. Porcupine is in my mind./
Yennie. <3
What happen yesterday I really forgot. Suminnn bought me Marshmallows. Just remember of tuition.
OK. Science tuition. It was Mr. Lee [ tuition teacher] birthday. Andrea made a card and call us to sign it. She bake a cake too. And we ate it :D It wasnt that bad. Is quite nice after all. So he said, since you guys gave me this, I will give you less homework [ cool man. ]
Today? Hmmm. Had English, did essays and have something like PSP. Title : TOMORROW.
My tomorrow, my idea I gave to Bianca so I think again. My tomorrow is TOO HAVE A BIGGER SHOPPING MALL :DD
Then, break. Porridge for breakfast :P Danielle told me there was cupcakes. So we went and bought it for like 3 bucks. O.O but is damn good. I really love cupcakes and marshmallow. (:
Then bm, quiz for 1 hr and 30 mins O.O then seni teacher was absent so I did my kh homework then I drew an anime on ChiKay's book. Then Lunch, we played french fries fight. Then play the straw thing again. Suminn was mad at me for not going to the courtyard with her O.O
So then, was seni. Mr.Phuah came in. He is a Biology teacher. and he was talking about puppy love. homosexual all this.
So, KH we did revision. and I was dreaming the whole time :P then we didnt have COCO but I did. So went Gymnastics. I went * SPLAT* on the mattress while jumping on the spring thing then going over and I forgot to open my leg. I was out of balance. So my whole body when towards the matress. So it went SPLAT.
So I think that's all. I feel like sleeping now.
[P.S. Porcupine is in my mind./
Yennie. <3
Monday, July 13, 2009
I meant nothing to you.
Let's talk about yesterday night.
Daddy wants Zen to drive us to dinner. Before that he wants Zen to drive him to maybank. Damn is darn scary. Well, Zen is better than I thought. Still boleh tahan la.
My alarm didnt ring today. Daddy called me up AGAIN. [ p.s. I never really wake up myself before.] When to school, blah blah blah. Wore Rachiee's glasses AGAIN. Classes are usual.
Lunch time, Huey Ching, Su Min, Rachel and I played with Ice Lemon Tea. I think it was Huey Ching's. So we went sucking the straw and see who get the lil Ice Lemon Tea. Then, Rachel and I tried so I drank la. Then she go blow -.- damn funny. Haha.
Then, when upstairs to ponteng abit. Then went back to Jahitan Room. OH! MATHS! Damn fun. We ponteng abit. Almost miss the fun. Ms.Tey was playing games.
We played 3 games. There is 1 we play it with apple. Then Redza ate a bite -.- No choice must makan the whole thing. His bite was damn big O.O
Ok. Went back to class. Study. Bell rang, pontent again. Went back class. Blah blah blah. BELL RING! School is over.
Then, mum came and Aunty Susan. Went home with Candice. Then, the mums when grocery shopping so Candice and I grab a bite at Steven's Corner. I ate Roti Canai and drank Teh Ais. I am full like shit.
Went home. Found bananas' on the table. I ate it. And here I am. Still thinking about him. :P
Damn. Grrr. Hmmm.
[ Amy and Suminnn's birthday are almost here. There are lots of JULABIES. I am still thinking whose birthday is on July too. /
Yennie. <3
Let's talk about yesterday night.
Daddy wants Zen to drive us to dinner. Before that he wants Zen to drive him to maybank. Damn is darn scary. Well, Zen is better than I thought. Still boleh tahan la.
My alarm didnt ring today. Daddy called me up AGAIN. [ p.s. I never really wake up myself before.] When to school, blah blah blah. Wore Rachiee's glasses AGAIN. Classes are usual.
Lunch time, Huey Ching, Su Min, Rachel and I played with Ice Lemon Tea. I think it was Huey Ching's. So we went sucking the straw and see who get the lil Ice Lemon Tea. Then, Rachel and I tried so I drank la. Then she go blow -.- damn funny. Haha.
Then, when upstairs to ponteng abit. Then went back to Jahitan Room. OH! MATHS! Damn fun. We ponteng abit. Almost miss the fun. Ms.Tey was playing games.
We played 3 games. There is 1 we play it with apple. Then Redza ate a bite -.- No choice must makan the whole thing. His bite was damn big O.O
Ok. Went back to class. Study. Bell rang, pontent again. Went back class. Blah blah blah. BELL RING! School is over.
Then, mum came and Aunty Susan. Went home with Candice. Then, the mums when grocery shopping so Candice and I grab a bite at Steven's Corner. I ate Roti Canai and drank Teh Ais. I am full like shit.
Went home. Found bananas' on the table. I ate it. And here I am. Still thinking about him. :P
Damn. Grrr. Hmmm.
[ Amy and Suminnn's birthday are almost here. There are lots of JULABIES. I am still thinking whose birthday is on July too. /
Yennie. <3
Sunday, July 12, 2009
i love you. but you don't.
Hey hey hey. (:
Went to see the doctor to check my hand. It wasnt buggies. It was food allergy. I have to take pills. How sad.
Nothing nice or bad happen to me. but still thinking about him. The feeling now is just too hard to forget. I want to have the nice talking and laughter. It seems to be gone. Ended. So, I guess I meant nothing to him. I should let it go maybe? Can we still have happy moments? I dont think so. Things are bugging me alot. Pressure. DAMN! I am out of control. I felt like I am a car and just BANG! He just aint mr. perfect, right?
Well. I felt bored. Cant really find cute pictures. but i found some. I will just stop here.
[ Loads more picture coming right up. We ( Amanda, Xue Yee, Chin Ju, Suminn, Queenie and me) camwhoreee-d./
Yennie. <3
Hey hey hey. (:
Went to see the doctor to check my hand. It wasnt buggies. It was food allergy. I have to take pills. How sad.
Nothing nice or bad happen to me. but still thinking about him. The feeling now is just too hard to forget. I want to have the nice talking and laughter. It seems to be gone. Ended. So, I guess I meant nothing to him. I should let it go maybe? Can we still have happy moments? I dont think so. Things are bugging me alot. Pressure. DAMN! I am out of control. I felt like I am a car and just BANG! He just aint mr. perfect, right?
Well. I felt bored. Cant really find cute pictures. but i found some. I will just stop here.
[ Loads more picture coming right up. We ( Amanda, Xue Yee, Chin Ju, Suminn, Queenie and me) camwhoreee-d./
Yennie. <3

ily. <3
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I am taking back my lovee.
I had really nice days.
Monday-*ahem* Super Normal. :DD
Tuesday- 1 and 1/2 hours ghost stories. ( P.S/. IS FREAKING ME OUT)
Wednesday- GREAT! -.- had Gymnastics. When up and down bare footed.
I hate bugs man! Some kind of bug bite me. Now is like bengkak and red.
P.S/. My days are freaking me out D: I wonder what will happen tomorrow.
P.S/. SO WHAT I AM A FAILURE! Then let me be a FAILURE! And I wont be!
Yennie. <3
I had really nice days.
Monday-*ahem* Super Normal. :DD
Tuesday- 1 and 1/2 hours ghost stories. ( P.S/. IS FREAKING ME OUT)
Wednesday- GREAT! -.- had Gymnastics. When up and down bare footed.
I hate bugs man! Some kind of bug bite me. Now is like bengkak and red.
P.S/. My days are freaking me out D: I wonder what will happen tomorrow.
P.S/. SO WHAT I AM A FAILURE! Then let me be a FAILURE! And I wont be!
Yennie. <3
Friday, July 3, 2009
I like wearing Baju Kurung.
I kena punish :P
Suminnn came over! haha. We somehow took alot of PICTURES! Will post it tomorrow.
Wanted to go Sunway Pyramid tomorrow with Chow Onn and some people. Mum dont let. Watch Cheerleading she say cannot! WHAT THE HELL SHE WANT MAN! DENG!
We went to the park crazily with uniforms! Haha, I wore her baju kurung, she wore my monday uniform. Make the maid wask again -.-
The baju kurung make me so hard to take picture! Cannot open my legs -.-
I wanna borrow someone's baju kurung and wear! :DD
P.S. Happy Moments are Memories.
I kena punish :P
Suminnn came over! haha. We somehow took alot of PICTURES! Will post it tomorrow.
Wanted to go Sunway Pyramid tomorrow with Chow Onn and some people. Mum dont let. Watch Cheerleading she say cannot! WHAT THE HELL SHE WANT MAN! DENG!
We went to the park crazily with uniforms! Haha, I wore her baju kurung, she wore my monday uniform. Make the maid wask again -.-
The baju kurung make me so hard to take picture! Cannot open my legs -.-
I wanna borrow someone's baju kurung and wear! :DD
P.S. Happy Moments are Memories.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
OMG! Guess who join gymnastics with us today? MDM. YEE! haha. I always though she was Mdm. Boey. Jia Qi was like OMG! She is showing off. She did split. climbing up the rope. exercising. I should have take a video. Is like damn funny. HAHAHA! omg. still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So, what's wrong wearing a short pants? ...
OK! I really need shopping with my girlfriends! Suminnn is bankrupt. Don't even say the word MONEY infront of her. She said she dreamt about her mum giving her money. ahahaha. Silly girl.
I went gym alone. ROSALYN AND BIANCA WAS ABSENT. Thank goodness Suminnn was with me, of not I will be dead. D:
Yennie. <3
OMG! Guess who join gymnastics with us today? MDM. YEE! haha. I always though she was Mdm. Boey. Jia Qi was like OMG! She is showing off. She did split. climbing up the rope. exercising. I should have take a video. Is like damn funny. HAHAHA! omg. still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So, what's wrong wearing a short pants? ...
OK! I really need shopping with my girlfriends! Suminnn is bankrupt. Don't even say the word MONEY infront of her. She said she dreamt about her mum giving her money. ahahaha. Silly girl.
I went gym alone. ROSALYN AND BIANCA WAS ABSENT. Thank goodness Suminnn was with me, of not I will be dead. D:
Yennie. <3
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